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Leveling up your standards| Bergamo

Imagine if every guy (father, brother, boyfriend, friend) would treat you like the most valuable princess that there is. Imagine you would be treated like people see value in your presence. Like Bella, for example, I am not a Twilight fan but she is considered to be the most valuable and desired women (so much her boyfriend wants to eat her blood …lol ?! …😳). She literally does nothing and everyone wants to be close to her- I think we all secretly want to be that desired girl. That girl whose existence has so much meaning, she is not even asking for attention.

Now imagine you would be that girl and in their hands, they are bearing thee up (I know we are talking utopia here). They would not want to date or toss you but actually want to help you grow and be there for you like a brother. They would listen to what you feel and support your true self and see the best in you in your worst moments.

Now imagine some guy coming around and stringing you along, cheating on you, using you or diminishing your beliefs - you would not even be bothered to give this guy time, hope or attention whatsoever because you would know what love looks like, you have seen its walk.

You would have seen how people love you in it’s purest form when they actually care about you. A guy can care but does he care enough to make efforts to meet you? We settle far too often for the best version of ‘love’ we can get and have no idea what is possible to expect so we lower our standards.

I am not talking about standards where we try to compensate our emotions by not giving them time to breathe, I am talking about a lack of respect and how you are supposed to treat a women/ men. I am currently getting my checklist ready, trying to discover what I actually need from a man. I have a few good guy friends and I am so thankful that I am able to see what good men are supposed to behave like. I’ve seen men change, I’ve seen them care, I’ve seen them hurt. Although there are quite some men acting like trash out there ... that does not say anything about me, or you, or the girl that feels ashamed for staying in an abusive relationship for far too long. 

Photo: This cute old couple was holding hands in the old town of Bergamo, Italy.